Sonny, a talented Midwestern girl, has won a nationwide talent search to move to Los Angeles and star in a popular television series. Sonny's home and work life is documented along with her adjustment to life in the spotlight.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chad's Wink In New Promo!!!


I love the "Chad smile", as opposed to the "Chad Dylan Cooper smirk"


You know you've watched too much Sonny with a Chance when...

1. You start answering the phone with, "Lemme hear you say heeeeeey!"
2. When you want to show your friend something, you say "Check it out! Check it out! Check it out!"
3. In the middle of lunch you start randomly talking with a New Jersey accent while twirling your hair, saying you're the 'real princess'.
4. You say ' A'ight ' in a Chad Dylan Cooper fashion, all the time.
5. You like to say 'Ciiiiiircle' all the time now.
6. You stay dangerously away from skinny jeans, and whenever you see them, you point and say "Stop SPS!"
7. You know every detail about an episode at least a week in advance.
8. You randomly quote the show, even to your parents and teachers.
9. Blue eyes and blonde hair are suddenly very attractive in a guy, when they weren't before.
10. You make lists like these.
11. You get scenes flashing through your head whenever you say the word, "ow"
12. When you get really mad at someone, you accidently call them Chad
13. "Really, *name here*, really?"

14. You never say 'sandwich', instead, you say 'sammich'
15. You like to name your pets/plants/siblings after characters
16. Most of the stuff you search for on google/youtube/ect. is SWAC related
17. This forum is your most-visited site on your top sites.
18. Your family/friends actually recognize when you quote the show because you do it so often.
19. You leave a room saying 'Peace out suckah!' with the peace out hand sign.
20. You purposely went to the store to find Cocoa Mocho Cocoa lipgloss, and when you didn't find it, you wrote on your own lipgloss with a sharpie
21. You talk to yourself in the mirror, just like Tawni does.
22. When eating a sammich you use the bite, wipe, and gloss method.


Gummy With a Chance

Tawni tries to ban gum from the "So Random!" set, even though Sonny has a tradition of chewing gum before every episode.

High School Miserable

Sonny and her fellow cast members are disappointed with their studio perks, they then write a letter to Mr. Condor expressing their dissatisfaction. Mr. Condor becomes upset by this and fires the cast forcing them to attend public high school and hires his daughter Dakota as the one and only star of the show. In the was all a dream!! But they end up realizing that they are already living their dream and get satisfied with what they have.

Air Date: April 18, 2010

Title Reference: High School Musical

So Random! sketches:

"Real Princesses of New Jersey": In a parody of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Snowy (Sonny), Cindy (Tawni), Beauty (Zora), are three princesses that are star in a reality show.
"Sally Jenson: Kid Lawyer": The cast rehearses this sketch, with Dakota later replacing Zora.
Guest Stars: Michael Kostroff as Marshall Pike, Genevieve Hannelius as Dakota Condor and E. E. Bell as Principal